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 The new revolutionary fat dissolving product developed by sidmedicos is an absolute game changer in the beauty industry!

unlike other fat dissolvers it does not contain animal based, phosphatidylcholine or deoxycholic acids and is not classed as a medical product but a cosmetic product since its plant based.

Ideal for clients aged between 18-60 who want to remove pockets of fat that they can't through exercising and dieting.


  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

This activates the metabolism of fat and helps reduce swelling

  • Bromelain (Pineapple)

Assists with the breakdown of fat cells and reduces inflammation.

  • Lethicin (derived from vegetables)

Encourages the breakdown of fat cells into small molecules, which can then turn into fatty acids that the body easily burns out.

It requires less injection points

Results are in seen within 24-72 hours (instead of 4 weeks like the other dissolvers)

Significantly less down time, almost none 

Sessions can be done as early as every 7 days 

All natural ingredients 

Tightens the skin by building synthesising new collagen production


  • What certificates I will receive after this training?
    Upon completion, you'll receive an LASHES MU certificate of accreditation. This will make you an accredited Eyelash extension technician and allow you to offer your eyelash extension treatments to clients
  • How long does training take?
    Depending on what package you choose Our Lash training course runs between 1-2 days, covering 5-6 hours per day.
  • When does the training start and finish?
    training will usually start at 10am and finish at either 3:30-5pm
  • Does the training take place online or in person?
    This is an in person training courses that includes doll practice and live model practice.
  • What is the required level of experience for this training?
    There is no experience needed to start your course.
  • Do I need to bring my own model?
    Yes, you will need bring your own lash model. if you can not find anyone to bring we will provide you with a model at an extra fee.
  • What training materials will I receive upon completion of the course?
    If you choose a course that includes a kit then you will receive a kit to take home.
  • What support I will get after this training?
    After the course has finished, you will receive ongoing support which includes sharing images of your work via whatsapp for feedback, do your lash sets in the MU studio with your model whenever you want to while I'm in the room to improve your confidence. Access to our Manufacturer information.
  • Where are you based?
    Based in Hackney Wick, Stone studios E9 5LN which is located next to a plant shop.
  • Consultations & patch tests
    Consultation forms are mandatory and must be completed before booking an appointment Consultations ensure that you do not have any contraindications and that you are medically fit for treatment which is extremely important for the safety of our clients. Clients are liable to disclose all relevant information on consultations. Patch tests are required for lash treatments which need to be booked at least 48 hours prior to the appointment to ensure you are not allergic to the treatment. If you decide to not do a patch test you are responsible for this. Patch tests for semi-permanent makeup (brows) are required and will be carried out on the same day of the appointment.
  • What to expect at your appointment
    Sanitised and sterile studio/equipment as usual Lash technician will wash and sanitise hands as usual Only Lash tech and client in the studio (no guests) Separate area in the studio for your belongings If you are early to your appointment and the lash tech is still with another client then you must wait outside until your time slot.
  • Appointment day
    Please arrive with no eye makeup on, ensuring you lashes are clean and mascara free if you are getting eyelash extensions. Plus 1s are not permitted, unless you require special assistance. Please buzz into the concierge on arrival and they will open the building door for you. Once you're inside ask the reception to open the lift door and go up the 2nd floor for studio 19. Under 18s must attend with a legal parent/guardian. Payments are strictly cash/bank transfer on the day.
  • Bookings
    Lashes Mu LTD operates in Hackney. (The Arthaus, studio 19, 203 Richmond Road, E8 3NJ). Lashes Mu operate 5 days a week, work hours run from 8:30am- 5:30pm Anything after 6pm will count as a premium slot which is an additional £10-£15. we are closed on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Please adhere to our company rules, terms and conditions before making a booking. You will be asked to consent to the terms and conditions prior to your booking. A non-refundable booking fee of £10.60 (depending on the treatment) is required to secure your appointment through the booking system. The £10 of the deposit is put towards your booking payment. The 60p is the additional card charge for paying online. The remaining balance must be paid in cash , card machine or bank transfer on the day of your appointment. A booking confirmation will be sent to you via email or text with full address details once the deposit has been paid. All appointments take place in our studio based in Hackney, London.
  • What to bring to your appointment
    Must bring a mask Fresh pair of gloves if you want to wear gloves in studio Your own blanket Hand sanitiser (will also be provided or wash hands)
  • Cancellation / Rescheduling
    I require 48 hours notice for any clients that need to cancel or reschedule appointments. If you cannot provide this notice it will result in the loss of your booking fee. This policy is set as I would not be able to fill in the cancelled slot in under 48 hours. All bookings fees are non-refunable however we give you the option to reschedule if notice is given within the 48hrs. Rescheduling can only be made twice and can only be rescheduled in the same month or upcoming month. Last minute cancellations and no shows will result in a loss of the booking fee no matter what the reason for cancellation is. Please either message me or login to your account to cancel or reschedule your booking
  • Punctuality
    Please ensure you arrive on time to your appointment. If you are early, please wait in the downstairs waiting area until your allocated slot as I may be with another client, preparing for your appointment or even attending to personal matters. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, your appointment will be cancelled and you will lose your booking fee (non-refundable). There is a late fee of £10 if you arrive 10 minutes late to your appointment.
  • Can i wear mascara with lash extensions?
    It is recommended that you do not wear mascara with extensions are it will ruin the lashes.
  • How long do my lashes last?
    Depending on your natural lashes it can take up to 4-6 weeks.
  • Can I get my lashes wet?
    Do not get your lashes wet for 48hours, after that you can get them wet but make sure to dry them.
  • Aftercare for lashes?
    Do not wet your lashes for 24hrs, do not used oil based products on your lashes at all times , clean your lashes regularly with lash shampoo, do not pick or rub at your lashes , avoid steam rooms 48hrs after , avoid sleeping on your face.
  • Is it permanent?
    The fat removing effect of Cincelar+ is due to the destructions of fat cells, not shrinking of fat cells. It is permanent and does not result in the yo-yo effect. Results can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle.
  • When will i see results?
    The effect appears 1 to 2 weeks later, the full effect can be observed 4-6 weeks from the end of treatment.
  • Is this treatment safe?
    Yes, fat-dissolving injections are a safe and effective way of destroying fat cells. The fat cells are then excreted by the lymphatic system naturally.
  • What are the contraindications: -
    Use of anti-inflamatories within 48h of treatment -Active skin diseases or infections -Thyroid disease -Liver or kidney disease -Endocrine system disorders -Cancer -Epilepsy -Varicose veins -Autoimmune diseases -Blood clotting disorders -Soya allergy -Exacerbation of chronic illness (ulcer, arthritis, bronchitis, herpes) -Pathological tendency to scarring
  • Who can have cincelar+ ?
    Clients aged between 18-60 years, who are not pregnant or breastfeeding, who do not have severe autoimmune conditions, thyroid issues, diabetes, liver/kidney disease.
  • How long do i have to wait between treatments?
    Every 4 weeks
  • Whats the difference between cincelar+ and aqualyx ? –
    Aqualyx has a longer recovery period vs Cincelar+-Swelling typically lasts upto 1 week with Aqualyx vs 1-2 days with Cincelar+ -Results are seen slower with Aqualyx -Treatment is comfortable for both products however Aqualyx does have a stinging sensation -Aqualyx is not as strong as Cincelar+ partly due to the dilution of adding lidocaine to Aqualyx and partly due to Cincelar+ being a newer product with better composition of ingredients -You need less repeat sessions with Cincelar+ vs Aqualyx.
  • Post treatment
    Please pay attention to the following points until two weeks after the procedure: -Avoid high temperature stimulation such as: sauna, steam room, hot tub bath, hot packs, etc. -Cleansing, makeup, and light showers are allowable on the day of the injection. -Exercise and/or excessive sweating should be avoided and sport massage is not recommended. -Do not touch or press excessively on the treatment area. -Drinking or excessive smoking is prohibited. -A balanced and healthy diet is recommended to be used in conjunction with the treatment to ensure the best result. -After treatment drink at least of 2l of water every day for 1 week.
  • What areas on the body can be treated?
    Chin Jowl Stomach Love Handles/ waist Thighs Buttocks Back Arms Knees
  • How many sessions are required?
    Only 2 to 6 sessions are normally required to get the best results and once you have completed your treatment plan the results can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle.
  • Are results permanent?
    Yes, the fat cells in the treated areas are destroyed by this treatment. However, this does not stop your body's ability to put on weight and create new fat cells. A healthy lifestyle balance will help maintain this.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    We recommend a course of at least 3 –5 sessions, however, this is dependant on the treatment area and the amount of fat to treat.
  • How long will my treatment take?
    A treatment can take between 15-30mins long
  • Does it hurt?
    The procedure causes minimal discomfort.
    Use of anti-inflamatories within 48h of treatment -Active skin diseases or infections -Thyroid disease -Liver or kidney disease -Endocrine system disorders -Cancer -Epilepsy -Varicose veins -Autoimmune diseases -Blood clotting disorders -Soya allergy -Exacerbation of chronic illness (ulcer, arthritis, bronchitis, herpes) -Pathological tendency to scarring
  • Post treatment
    Please pay attention to the following points until two weeks after the procedure: -Avoid high temperature stimulation such as: sauna, steam room, hot tub bath, hot packs, etc. -Cleansing, makeup, and light showers are allowable on the day of the injection. -Exercise and/or excessive sweating should be avoided and sport massage is not recommended. -Do not touch or press excessively on the treatment area. -Drinking or excessive smoking is prohibited. -A balanced and healthy diet is recommended to be used in conjunction with the treatment to ensure the best result. -After treatment drink at least of 2l of water every day for 1 week.
  • What areas on the body can be treated?
    Chin Jowl Stomach Love Handles/ waist Thighs Buttocks Back Arms Knees
  • When will i see results?
    results can be seen between 72hours-1week
  • Is it safe?
    Yes, fat dissolving injections are safe when administered by a trained practitioner. This treatment has minimal side effects with little to no interference with patients daily activities.
  • How long do i have to wait between treatments?
    you can do a lemon bottle treatment every 7 days
  • What is Aqualyx?
    Aqualyx is a solution of deoxycholic acid. A compound which has been used in various fields of human medicine since its discovery. Present also in the human body deoxycholic acid is used in the emulsification of fats for the absorption in the intestine.
  • Can Aqualyx be used on men?
    can Aqualyx be used on men? Yes, many men have fat dissolving injections to improve their neck and jawline contour, or to deal with small pockets of abdominal fat for example.
  • How Many Treatments Are Required?
    The amount of sessions you will need will depend upon the size of the area being treated. I always recommend my clients a basic of 3 sessions to get great results however some clients are happy with just 1-2 sessions , whereas, others may need more from 3-8 sessions. The larger the area the more sessions you will need.
  • Which Clients Are Most Suitable For Aqualyx?
    An ideal client is one who is close to their ideal body weight but has stubborn areas of fat deposits. clients who can not get rid of their fat deposits through exercise or dieting. most of the time these fat pockets are genetic and can prove very difficult to get rid by themselves.
  • Is There Any Down Time?
    This treatment has 0-no downtime. for the first 3-4 days you may experience some discomfort and soreness.
  • Who Is This Treatment For ?
    People who struggle to loose pockets of stubborn fat through exercise or diet. People with Lipomas (harmless fatty lumps that grow under your skin). Regular gym goers but can not shed the last bit of fat to define a certain area. Aqualyx is very good for definition. People with a buffalo hump People with uneven lumps of fat after other treatments such as liposuction, Aqualyx can restore the smoothness.
  • Is Aqualyx vegan ?
    Is Aqualyx vegan ? Yes, it contains no compounds from humans or animals.
  • Aftercare Instructions You Need To Follow?
    Drink plenty of water Massage the treated area every 2 hours for 2 weeks Maintain a healthy diet - low on fat foods Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours Recommend to wear a pressure garment Avoid exposure to hot temperatures e.g. shower, saunas, steam room. Avoid perfumed creams, lotions, shower gel, makeup on the treated area for 24hours. Avoid taking any blood thinning medication like aspirin or ibuprofen however you can take paracetamol.
  • Is Aqualyx a medicine?
    No, Aqualyx is classified as a medical device.
  • How does Aqualyx work?
    when injected into the fatty tissue it disrupts the membrane of the fat cells, leading the cell breakdown. There's also an inflammatory response and some tissue contraction. It causes cell lysis. Its non selective meaning it lyses all cells. However, it has greater affinity for fatty tissue than protein tissue, so fat tissue is more susceptible to break down. It prompts a mild inflammation in the skin afterwards which helps clear the cellular debris.
  • Are There Any Side Effects?
    Swelling Bruising Sore/tenderness Itchy Redness on the area Discomfort/pain Nodules Asymmetry Skin Damage/infection
  • Who Should Avoid Aqualyx?
    Pregnant Women or breastfeeding mothers. Diabetic patients should avoid this treatment as potential complications of diabetes can complicate treatment. (however if unsure please consult in your doctor first). If you have an autoimmune condition If you have severe kidney/liver diseases, as it can cause the liver to overwork. If you have a history of allergic reaction to an ingredient of Aqualyx If you have acute or chronic skin diseases in the affected area. If you are on blood thinning medication e.g. Warafin due to risk of severe bruising.
  • How Long Does It Take To See Results?
    You will start to see results anywhere between 3-6 weeks and can notice ongoing improvements up to 6 months.
  • Does Aqualyx hurt?
    The Aqualyx is mixed with Local Anaesthetic (Lidocaine) to make the treatment more comfortable. Most clients describe the treatment not painful but a little uncomfortable. The injection itself feels more like a scratch.
  • Are The Results Of Aqualyx Permanent?
    Once the fat cells are dissolved by the Aqualyx they are permanently eliminated from the body. The only way you gain fat cells is by creating new ones through unhealthy diet.
  • Is It Painful?
    Body contouring is non-invasive and not painful.
  • Who can not have this treatment?
    Pregnant or breastfeeding Under 18 Heart problems cancer High Blood Pressure Pacemaker Broken capillaries Diabetic Haemorrhagic Disease Liver/Kidney disease Any know cuts or recent surgeries
  • Are There Any Risks?
    One of the benefits of a non-surgical procedure like this is that the risk of complications is reduced. It’s very unlikely that you’ll experience anything of discomfort.
  • Can It Help Me Lose Weight?
    While removing fat will result in you weighing less, body sculpting is not a weight loss procedure. It’s no substitute for a healthy lifestyle and in order to get the best results, you should already be at or near your ideal weight.
  • What not to do before body contouring?
    Eat Sensibly Avoid eating a heavy meal right before or after treatment. You should also limit alcohol and caffeine. In general, proper nutrition is important to achieving and maintaining your body contouring goals
  • What is Body Contouring and What Problems Can It Address?
    Non- surgical body contouring is a non invasive , painless machine procedure that gently and effectively removes fat ands tightens the skin from targeted areas of the body that have not responded to traditional diet or exercise. It is also an alternative method to fat dissolving injections for clients who prefer not to use needles.
  • Information
    A slight acidity and change in the smell and colour of the iron can be observed right after the first session, especially in clients with a considerable percentage of body fat. There is no downtime with this treatment and clients see immediate results and will continue to see results in the reduction of fat up to a week following the treatment. ​ Radio frequency energy the deeper dermal layers of the skin and results in a lifted contour, a decrease In deep wrinkles, thicker and firmer skin. It also promotes new colleges protein, which causes the original collagen to straighten the skin. When radio frequency energy meets the collagen the resulting resistance and heat causes the collagen to contract and tighten. The heat stimulates the production and growth of new collagen fibres, making f this ideal for areas of loose and sagging skin. ​ Radio frequency uses electrical pulses. hand pieces heat the dermis, the deepest layer of skin, without damaging the epidermis, thew top layer of the skin to stimulate the new collagen growth and provides an improvement in skin laxity and appearance. it remoulds and enhances dermal density with minimal risks. The treatment becomes more noticeable over the next few months. radio frequency also improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage, providing better oxygen supply and clears toxins much better in the skin.
  • How quickly will I notice a change?
    Gradual improvement of the treated area may be seen following the first treatment. The skin’s surface may feel smoother, firmer and tighter. Results in circumference and cellulite reduction are most apparent 5-7 days after each treatment. Remember this is a process; you will need to be patient with your body and allow time to reveal your new shape.
  • How Long Does It Take?
    Treatments can take anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes to complete. The exact timing will depend on the area you’re treating. You should also count on undergoing multiple treatments. Most patients require anywhere from 1-3 for best results.
  • Are There Risks Associated with Body Contouring?
    You should not use this treatment if: You have an heart issues, electrical devices such as pacemakers, hearing aids, metal implants, artificial metal hip joints, dental plates or heart valves. This treatment uses Radio Wave Frequency which can interfere with the devices or heat up the metal implants.
  • Am I A Good Candidate for Body Contouring?
    Between the ages of 18-60years
  • Do The Results Look Natural?
    All you’re doing is (non-surgically) removing fat cells. The results you see are all-natural and 100% you. That also means that you need to be realistic about your results. Body contouring can help you bring out your ideal natural physique, but it won’t completely change your body.
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